Tool - Opiate Lyrics Meaning

April 2024 · 7 minute read

This song is about the inward desire which is felt by a person, wherein they wish to forcibly indoctrinate another person into the philosophical understanding that they themselves possess. The person who is in the position of needing to press their own doctrine onto another sees what they believe as vital truth, and they believe that it is their duty to reveal this truth to others, they wish simply to spread their own vision of enlightenment for the good of the universe and all that is within it.

The song starts off by addressing the need for a seeker of truth to (in some form) latch themselves onto a 'pointer of the way', which is what Maynard is claiming himself to be in this instance. We do not exit the womb already possessing enlightenment, we do not belligerently stumble upon it while running through our own thoughts, we do not conceive of it on our own without the help of outside sources. We do not create within our minds that which enlightenment consists of, we can only follow it by following our internal compass and by aligning our will with that of the Absolute Principle and by letting it be our guide. We do that by eliminating all of what we currently cling to as far as our beliefs and our desires. If we cling to our beliefs, then we confine ourselves within them and as a result, prevent any possibility of new understanding from arising. In order to expand itself, the mind must be in a fluid state, ready to adapt to anything and ready to take any form.

Crystalized, unyielding beliefs are comparable to water in its frozen form. Never in this form will it have the capability to take on a new shape, and if it comes up into fierce contact with something more solid and substantial than itself, it will be shattered to pieces.

The mind which is completely open and free to move in any way is like water in its fluid state. As Bruce Lee brilliantly explains it: "It can take on the shape of any container... it is the softest thing in the world, yet it can penetrate rock."

In order to follow the Absolute Principle, we must first correctly identify its source; this is the most vital step.

Once we have safely identified its source, we surrender unto it with pure unbridled devotion. We can offer no judgment, we can deny no part of it.

To follow it absolutely, we must show absolutely no preference as to its particularities. "The perfect way knows no difficulty except that it refuses to make preferences. A difference of a tenth of an inch and heaven and earth are set apart." If we interject our own preferences into our own vision, then we pollute reality at its source, which is pure and perfect and exactly according to nature. "To see things untainted by one's own desires and beliefs, is to have a chance to see it in its own pristine simplicity."

Maynard stresses the importance of pure and complete devotion to the Absolute Principle as only that which can save us.

"If you want to get your soul to heaven,
Trust in me, now don't you judge or question.
You are broken now but faith can heal you,
Just do everything I tell you to do."

Maynard then goes on to proclaim his identity with the Absolute Principle, and his living state of personal surrender unto it's will:

"My god's will becomes me.
When he speaks, he speaks through me.
He has needs like i do...
We both want to rape you."

In the case of Maynard, the symbiotic union of he and the Absolute principle allows for the universal forces which comprise all of reality to work through him. By ceasing to oppose this fundamental and absolute force which vibrates within every form of nature itself, he is allowed back into alignment with it, he reunites with his own principle which in reality has been from the beginning and will always be, undivided from the Absolute Principle itself. This Holy Principle comprises all of reality… nothing can exist outside of it. In reality, we are all of one nature and all of one being, we are individual points of consciousness incarnated onto this earth. We are all born within the absolute principle but we cannot be separated from it nor from each other because in reality there is no two, only one. All is one and there is, nor can there be a division within it, nothing will ever be lost and nothing will ever be destroyed within it. Things can only be reborn and renewed, recreated in different forms…

Just as in scientific theory, where it states that in reality no matter can ever be created or destroyed, it can only be broken down or rearranged into different molecular forms. (A. Einstein)

In the next verses of the song, Maynard speaks to the detest of the doctrines of division and of the destruction of souls and those of who desire eternal disharmony. Doctrines which seek to deny that which is immortal and infinite, absolutely harmonious and where every piece of reality has its purpose in existence and also its inherent promise of eternal life with the infinite possibility of renewal. These very elements which by nature are inherent within the absolute principle, which seeks to deny no one or no thing a place of refuge within its perfect design.

These doctrines of division and of hate can only produce division and hate, they cannot produce unity, nor can they relieve suffering nor resurrect the dead. They cannot renew that which is outside of their Nazi squadron, they are more retched than the holocaust and one hundred times more brutal according to the proclamation of their prophecies.

"Before the creation of the world, all names were written in the book of life."

Great! So you're saying that I didn't have a chance to begin with... how awesome is that! I'm sure glad about that, that's totally fair as well!

Thanks for exposing yourself... Nazi fucker.

"Hell is where the worm begs to die but never will."

I'm glad to know that you hold me in such high regard you Nazi bastard. Your level of hate would make Hitler look like the Dalai Lama. You Filthy Swine.

So basically they claim that unless you are a member of the Neo Nazi party headed by Jesus Himmler, then you’ll never lay eyes o the kingdom created by Adolf Jehovah. fuck you.

Hate breeds hate, and always will. Hate will always exist and if you hate me then I must hate you. You crated me, you created me. You abandoned me and now I've found more and better. In this form of flesh and blood, in this realm of the imperfect, in this reality so varied and complex... I can no longer find the compassion for you and for myself. I am an animal and I must survive, I must survive above all, this is all I know. This is all that I will ever know and you'll never take it away from me as long as I live.

In the next verses of the song, Maynard speaks to the detest of the doctrines of division and of the destruction of souls and of eternal harmony. A particular doctrine which takes that which is immortal and infinite, absolutely harmonious and where every piece of reality has its purpose and also its inherent promise of eternal life and the infinite possibility of renewal.

“Jesus Christ won’t you come save my life now…
Open my eyes, blind me with your light now…
And your Lies.”

“I am not innocent,
You are not innocent,
No one is innocent!!!!”

If you are still a believer that you are ‘holier than thou’, then think again and better. Don’t let yourself get associated with the nazi party. You are a soldier for earth. NO MATTER WHAT.


