Scott Hall Back On For Pro Wrestling Icons This Weekend

March 2024 ยท 1 minute read

Hey guys it Justin again. This has been a rollercoaster of a fucking ride. I am happy to inform EVERYONE, that I just got off the phone with Scott Hall, and he had no idea any problems had arisen. He is going to be at the BTW show (, on August 1st, and at my Icons of Wrestling Convention on August 2nd. This is the problem with the wrestling business today. People that think they are in the business, who have no right to be in this business are taking liberties of speaking for talent and leaking information to the web when it is inaccurate, designed to cause trouble. Scott legitimately had problems contacting me, but he at no point said he was not coming. He was a shocked as we all were to hear he was not coming to our events. He allowed me to tape a audio promo for all you fans to confirm his appearance, at both shows, which will go live later tonight. Thanks you for all your patience and from now on, get your news from the source, and not some jabronis that have no business being in OUR business.

Thanks everyone again. SEE YOU SUNDAY.

