Why isn't Patrick Wilson a bigger star, America ?

April 2024 · 44 minute read

I've just turned the TV on to 10 minutes of his naked body fucking Winslet from all angles and I can't put my jaw back up where it should be. He's incredibly hot and beautiful of face, and I understand that he's a good singer and can do Broadway. What gives ? All the Chrises put together have nothing on him, do American women not like him ??

by Anonymousreply 298February 20, 2022 12:49 PM

Little Children is a 15 yo film. Patrick Wilson is handsome, charming, talented, sexy, but he's past his prime now. He didn't catch on in his 30s. No big hit series or movies. It is what it is.

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by Anonymousreply 1August 8, 2020 1:56 PM

I still FUCKING ADORE him. I refer to him as "one of my boyfriends". LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.

by Anonymousreply 3August 8, 2020 2:09 PM

Listen and watch on YouTube his duet on "Almost Like Being in Love" with Kelly O'Hara, taped in the recording studio. I challenge you not to fall in love with this man.

by Anonymousreply 4August 8, 2020 2:16 PM

Oh... R1 OK. So what happened ? Was he not basic enough in his prime ?

by Anonymousreply 5August 8, 2020 2:22 PM

I've always gotten the impression that he's kind of a douchenozzle.

I don't know where or why, but I always associate him with those people who decry the commercialism of "films" in favor of "cinema" who always talk about the "art" of acting.

He just seems like a lot of work that people are not going to want to deal with since he's not a huge audience draw nor such a great actor that you'd be willing to put up with him to get that Daniel Day Lewis caliber performance.

by Anonymousreply 6August 8, 2020 2:24 PM

He's in a few horrors. Like Insidious... The Conjuring... that sex scene with Lens...

by Anonymousreply 7August 8, 2020 2:26 PM

His dad was a newscaster in the Tampa Bay area for years. John Wilson. Kinda fugly.

by Anonymousreply 8August 8, 2020 2:26 PM

Of course his nudity in the Angels in America HBO presentation is another delight.

by Anonymousreply 9August 8, 2020 2:27 PM

His boddy in INCREDIBLE. Talk about jutting tits. Yummy

by Anonymousreply 10August 8, 2020 2:29 PM

Body... Sorry, I am still shaking.

by Anonymousreply 11August 8, 2020 2:30 PM

He was hot for me in Girls.

Which I wrote.

by Anonymousreply 12August 8, 2020 2:32 PM

Pleasant, good actor but there's something rather white bread bland about him. Even with a great body there's nothing memorable about him.

by Anonymousreply 13August 8, 2020 2:35 PM

His duet with Babs really demonstrates his talent as a singer

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by Anonymousreply 14August 8, 2020 2:36 PM

He's just filler for when they can't get a more recognizable white actor. Half the time I think he is Josh Lucas.

by Anonymousreply 15August 8, 2020 2:39 PM

That woman won't let one good dick slip through.. Shameless !

by Anonymousreply 16August 8, 2020 2:39 PM

I would recognize Patrick Wilson before whoever the Josh guy is.

by Anonymousreply 17August 8, 2020 2:42 PM

He’s another James Marsden. Good looking, non-threatening White dude good for playing second-fiddle guy in a rom com.

by Anonymousreply 18August 8, 2020 2:47 PM

Love Patrick Wilson. He has always been hot as fuck.

by Anonymousreply 19August 8, 2020 2:48 PM

To me, he is eternally Viscount Raoul de Chagny.

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by Anonymousreply 22August 8, 2020 2:54 PM

He’s just kind of bland. I love him but he’s so middling. Medium brown hair, medium build, generic ethnicity.

by Anonymousreply 23August 8, 2020 2:54 PM

Great actor, great singer, great dancer.

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by Anonymousreply 24August 8, 2020 2:54 PM

R18 that Marsden guy looks like he's having very strong neanderthal genes , and I don't even care to see him naked. Patrick is very fine in the face, quite beautiful in fact, and his body is jaw-dropping, instant boner-inducing sexy. He oozes sex by every pore of his flawless, silky skin, and nervously chiseled muscled body, He looks like a fine stallion. I don't see a similarity.

by Anonymousreply 25August 8, 2020 2:56 PM

He wouldn't present hole for a role. Or suck cock. Or get sucked off.

by Anonymousreply 26August 8, 2020 2:56 PM

R26 perhaps not for a role, but THAT guy hasn't lived through college, drama school and broadway without some man on man experience. No way. There is absolutely no way he hasn't been sucked dry by any room mate he's ever had. It can't be.

by Anonymousreply 28August 8, 2020 3:00 PM

He'd have been great in the Rebecca remake, opposite Lily James, where the age difference is integral to the plot.

You could totally understand why a naive young woman would drop her knickers for him.

by Anonymousreply 29August 8, 2020 3:01 PM

He's the good looking college kid in campus theatre and summer stock, getting all the roles and performing them well. You see him around and find him kind of dreamy, and he's not gay but he's seductive with everyone - that's his trade. You show up early to get a good seat in the black box experimental space to watch him in Bent so you can get close to his dick, and it's perfect. He smells like an athlete. He makes a successful if not brilliant career, but he's never better than he was at 21.

by Anonymousreply 30August 8, 2020 3:02 PM

He's the straight Matt Bomer.

by Anonymousreply 31August 8, 2020 3:03 PM

Looking at the highest grossing box office movies over the last few years I can't think of an obvious role he'd be cast in. Aquaman was the 5th highest in 2018, and he's not going to get a Marvel role.

by Anonymousreply 32August 8, 2020 3:06 PM

I didn't see Aquaman, was he sexy in it ? Wasn't there a lot of homoerotic tension between him and hunky samoan what's-his-name ? Was there a lot of skin ? I think I recall an interview where the trainer said Patrick had put himself through an incredibly challenging work-out for that movie

by Anonymousreply 33August 8, 2020 3:16 PM

He’s hot for,a bland white guy. Unfortunately, he never brings anything memorable to roles he plays other than displaying a very fine body. I associate him with horror films and had forgotten that he was even in the ridiculous Aquaman,

by Anonymousreply 37August 8, 2020 3:18 PM

Those titties are bodacious.

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by Anonymousreply 38August 8, 2020 3:19 PM


by Anonymousreply 39August 8, 2020 3:20 PM

[quote] didn't see Aquaman, was he sexy in it ? Wasn't there a lot of homoerotic tension between him and hunky samoan what's-his-name ? Was there a lot of skin ?

The movie was a snore fest, but Pat was hot in it. He didn’t really get naked but his scaly underwater suit was skin-tight. Tbh the only sexual tension was between Pat and Nicole Kidman who played his estranged mother - it was pretty weird.

by Anonymousreply 40August 8, 2020 3:26 PM

He's no more blander than Chris Evans, and can't be worse, I could TOTALLY see him as Captain America, or Iron man, or whatever blockbusting shit that produces modern superstars. He'd be a million times sexier and would show ass. My take is that american fraus don't like him precisely because he's played gay and presented hole. I blame the fraus.

by Anonymousreply 41August 8, 2020 3:27 PM

There's no bigger slut R43

by Anonymousreply 44August 8, 2020 3:36 PM

And wow R42, he make Paul Newman look like a turd.

by Anonymousreply 45August 8, 2020 3:37 PM

[quote]Why isn't Patrick Wilson a bigger star, America ?

His hairline.

by Anonymousreply 46August 8, 2020 3:41 PM

Recent pic. He's still hot

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by Anonymousreply 47August 8, 2020 3:41 PM

I don't mention that he's Christian as a measure of what he might or might not do sexually, since I think they're capable of absolutely 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔, as in a lack of scruples. When I discover of a celeb that they're a Christian, it's a turnoff, they suffer a diminishment of whatever respect I might have had for them, and sometimes I don't watch them anymore. It's like Tammy and his cult.

I'm repelled by Sean Astin, Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt, and Justin Bieber for the same reason.

by Anonymousreply 49August 8, 2020 3:52 PM

With a body and a face like that he could be a nazi for all I care, I would be bending over with my trousers on my ankles before he could say ' Heil'

by Anonymousreply 50August 8, 2020 3:55 PM

Stripping at the Tony Awards...

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by Anonymousreply 51August 8, 2020 4:00 PM

He was in two enormously successful horror series: The Conjuring and Insidious. But I think his best role hasn’t happened yet.

And I could eat his ass for hours.

by Anonymousreply 52August 8, 2020 4:01 PM

The difference between you and me, R50. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

by Anonymousreply 53August 8, 2020 4:02 PM

then there is the Will Arnett problem.

by Anonymousreply 54August 8, 2020 4:16 PM

[quote]He was in two enormously successful horror series

Plus he got to act with a fat girl in an episode of a TV series

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by Anonymousreply 55August 8, 2020 4:16 PM

R55 Lens looks svelte and attractive in the photo, compared to today.

by Anonymousreply 56August 8, 2020 5:21 PM

HIs the child of an archconservative Tampa tv presenter. If he could have come out, he would be an icon.

by Anonymousreply 57August 8, 2020 6:01 PM

I know people who live near him in NJ. He's a very nice, down-to-earth guy, his wife is kind of a bitch.

by Anonymousreply 58August 8, 2020 6:07 PM

R58 that kind of happens to fraus who're married to gay guys. It's called ' frustration '.

by Anonymousreply 59August 8, 2020 6:17 PM

Yet nothing more frustrating than a jealous probably fat unloved homo ^^^

by Anonymousreply 60August 8, 2020 6:22 PM

Beautiful body, and a fine actor. And he even has a splendid singing voice.

But he just doesn't have "it." The camera doesn't love him.

by Anonymousreply 61August 8, 2020 6:24 PM

His eyes are too small. Women like big puppy dog eyes.

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by Anonymousreply 62August 8, 2020 6:30 PM

I thought he, Ben Shenkman, snd Justin Kirk were on their way to becoming huge stars. Patrick has definitely had a higher profile of the three.

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by Anonymousreply 63August 8, 2020 6:38 PM

He doesn't seem the super ambitious type. Hell, he lives in suburban Jersey.

by Anonymousreply 65August 8, 2020 6:43 PM

Kirk was a washout as Prior in the HBO version of ANGELS IN AMERICA. Shenkman wasn't much better. Wilson at least did well.

by Anonymousreply 66August 8, 2020 6:49 PM

He looks like G's secret love child, that's why. If he looked like me, he would have been big already!

by Anonymousreply 67August 8, 2020 6:50 PM

He's extremely liberal, very bright and has a wicked sense of humor. Resembles Paul Newman in person, has a great physical presence. He really bulked up for AQ, only to have it all covered in armor. Kept most of the bulk, except for the lats, and the ass is AMAZING. I think the wife is kind of bitter her career went nowhere after marrying him and having kids.

by Anonymousreply 68August 8, 2020 6:51 PM

He’s pretty, if quite bland. His face peaked around Evening, but still a nice body. He’s versatile, but I can’t say that I would notice if any of his roles had been replaced by a similarly generically pretty white guy.

by Anonymousreply 69August 8, 2020 6:51 PM

R60 is the triggered Lady formerly married to a ' gay '

by Anonymousreply 70August 8, 2020 6:55 PM

He gives me the creeps, but it's probably because the first movie I ever saw him was Hard Candy, and he was really good.

by Anonymousreply 71August 8, 2020 6:58 PM

R71 True. And to be fair, if molesters looked like him, I would've met up with him immediately when I was 15.

by Anonymousreply 72August 8, 2020 7:00 PM

Hard Candy era Patrick Wilson

"Yes please" --teen gays everywhere

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by Anonymousreply 73August 8, 2020 7:02 PM

I forgot how hot he was in that one. What a beauty!

by Anonymousreply 74August 8, 2020 7:04 PM

The Evans brothers are not bland. Wilson is

by Anonymousreply 75August 8, 2020 7:04 PM

He has a five head that is why

by Anonymousreply 76August 8, 2020 7:15 PM

The stupidest thing I saw of him was when they inserted him singing an Elvis song in one of those horror movie sequels. Ridiculous beyond belief given the genre of the film. It felt like one of those Linda Lavin "let's showcase my singing talents and versatility as a performer" moments.

by Anonymousreply 77August 8, 2020 7:22 PM

[quote]He's a Christian.

Well no shit. He sure ain't Jewish.

by Anonymousreply 78August 8, 2020 7:33 PM

R30 has put waaaay too much thought into this.

by Anonymousreply 79August 8, 2020 8:47 PM

Loved him in Little Children and I thought he was sexy and gorgeous in the Lens episode but he never comes to mind when Others speak of hot celebs.

I think he has a quiet intensity that has an effect on me when he’s in front of me.

by Anonymousreply 80August 8, 2020 9:06 PM

R79, R30 had a crush on such a man and Patrick reminds him of that guy.

by Anonymousreply 81August 8, 2020 9:08 PM

[quote] I've always gotten the impression that he's kind of a douchenozzle

I can’t take anyone seriously who refers to someone as a douchenozzle.

He was so hot in Little Children. Then you have that horror show Jackie Earle Haley.

Both good actors with admirable careers.

by Anonymousreply 82August 8, 2020 9:13 PM

Nice looking white guy but boring and basic. Forgettable.

by Anonymousreply 83August 8, 2020 9:14 PM

Richard Gere has slits for eyes and he had "it". So much for that theory.

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by Anonymousreply 84August 8, 2020 9:29 PM

[quote]I can’t take anyone seriously who refers to someone as a douchenozzle.

Maybe you should loosen the pearls around your neck, they're cutting off your oxygen.

by Anonymousreply 85August 8, 2020 9:34 PM

[quote] So much for that theory.

Which theory?

by Anonymousreply 86August 8, 2020 9:37 PM

I shut off Aquaman after the first half hour, it was awful.

by Anonymousreply 87August 8, 2020 9:46 PM

r87, that movie was made for the big screen.

by Anonymousreply 88August 8, 2020 9:47 PM

I agree that Patrick hasn't peaked yet. Also Patrick the name sounds meh in French, but very sexy in english.

by Anonymousreply 89August 8, 2020 9:54 PM

[quote] Maybe you should loosen the pearls around your neck, they're cutting off your oxygen.

At least I’m getting a pearl necklace 💦

by Anonymousreply 90August 8, 2020 10:03 PM

He doesn't have good hair.

by Anonymousreply 91August 8, 2020 10:10 PM

He has good everything else.

by Anonymousreply 92August 8, 2020 10:14 PM

I think it's just that he's too generic and unmemorable. He's likeable enough, good-looking in that fortysomething executive who plays tennis on the weekends way, and I don't think I've ever seen a bad performance out of him (and let's face it, with the writing on Aquaman that's saying something). But he just doesn't stand out or draw focus to himself.

When I saw [italic]Evening[/italic] I remember thinking to myself that Hugh Dancy should have moved to the big city with Claire Danes, where he'd have found much hotter and more interesting guys to get involved with rather than tragically mooning over his unrequited love for Patrick Wilson.

by Anonymousreply 93August 8, 2020 10:19 PM

Actually he doesn't have slits for eyes. That's what the camera does, it diminishes features. If he really had slits for eyes, he wouldn't have been in movies to begin with.

by Anonymousreply 94August 9, 2020 12:44 AM

I find him incredibly attractive in every way. He's beautiful. Lots of my friends make fun of my crush on him, saying he has womanly hips and ugly lips. I don't care. He's gorgeous.

by Anonymousreply 95August 9, 2020 1:50 AM

"Womanly hips"??!! WTF are they talking about?

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by Anonymousreply 96August 9, 2020 1:55 AM

Patrick Wilson's ass is pretty memorable.

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by Anonymousreply 97August 9, 2020 2:55 AM

I would like to sex on him till I’m dehydrated and cramped. He’s a very good actor but I really honestly am blinded by my lust to concentrate on his performances.

by Anonymousreply 98August 9, 2020 3:15 AM

He still has family here in the Tampa area, and visits them regularly. I've seen him in a restaurant and on the street. He's very, very, nice looking. You notice him. A waitress friend had Patrick & wife as customers and she said they both were friendly, no attitude, he had a beautiful smile and left a very generous tip.

by Anonymousreply 99August 9, 2020 3:28 AM

He was excellent on Break in The Full Monty.

by Anonymousreply 100August 9, 2020 3:31 AM

He’s talented and handsome. Maybe it’s his changing hairline aka wig.

by Anonymousreply 101August 9, 2020 3:35 AM

Watching him right now in “Stone Gap” with DL Fave Ashley Judd.

He comes off Mormon.

by Anonymousreply 102August 9, 2020 3:37 AM

I don’t get how people can think he looks like an “average” white guy. Do you ding-dongs know what the average white guy actually looks like? Oh my god. Do you think Paul Newman was an average white guy, too?

The bulky muscle is not flattering, though—hope he’s lost it or is losing it.

I’m glad he’s down to earth and very friendly (there goes R6’s theory)—he does give off an unassuming, nice guy vibe—but he can’t be all that smart if he’s a Christian. You have to have a stupid section of your brain to swallow that crap.

by Anonymousreply 103August 9, 2020 3:53 AM

I loved him in the series “A Gifted Man”. Great show that was cancelled too soon.

by Anonymousreply 104August 9, 2020 3:54 AM

r103, he's just Christian in name, not in practice, but that shouldn't matter. Haven't you met a lot of intelligent Jews?

r104, there's a whole story about that. It wasn't actually cancelled, but they waited to long to tell him (with a bunch of other shit), and he took another job.

by Anonymousreply 105August 9, 2020 4:05 AM

R93 pretty much hits all the major points. A few decades ago he would have been the biggest star in dinner theater but still not a topline film or Broadway draw.

by Anonymousreply 106August 9, 2020 4:13 AM

[quote] [R103], he's just Christian in name, not in practice, but that shouldn't matter. Haven't you met a lot of intelligent Jews?

Yes, but they tend to be atheist Jews. I thought R43’s article was about how he actually adheres to the Christian faith, but it says no such thing—so I take back what I said, and I wonder why R43 said Wilson’s a Christian. Did you mean to post a different article where he actually says he’s a Christian, R43?

by Anonymousreply 107August 9, 2020 4:16 AM

R54. What is the Will Arnett problem?

by Anonymousreply 108August 9, 2020 4:32 AM

I’m guessing he’s often confused with Will Arnett.

They look alike.

by Anonymousreply 109August 9, 2020 4:33 AM

Eww, Will is not attractive!

by Anonymousreply 110August 9, 2020 4:44 AM

I know a woman who slept with him about 20 years ago and said he has a very very big dick

by Anonymousreply 111August 9, 2020 4:46 AM

Patrick Wilson and Will Arnett look nothing alike. I've always found Arnett creepy in a 'guy who drives a van around playgrounds' kind of way.

by Anonymousreply 113August 9, 2020 5:41 AM

Wilson is rather famously large in the dong department.

by Anonymousreply 114August 9, 2020 6:05 AM

Patrick should star in a gender reimagined version of Sunset Boulevard.

by Anonymousreply 116August 9, 2020 6:21 AM

Average ? Where do you guys live ????

by Anonymousreply 117August 9, 2020 8:16 AM

r112 I don't have many details. It was around [italic]Full Monty[/italic] time--before Dagmara--and they hooked up on East Hampton or Fire Island after a party. She had a good time but mostly reported only his being really hung.

by Anonymousreply 118August 9, 2020 1:11 PM

I would give my left ball for a pic.

by Anonymousreply 119August 9, 2020 1:21 PM

It is puzzling how a guy can be attractive and a very good actor and somehow not quite have the ineffable it factor. But I bet he works til he's 90. I've never seen a bad performance from him, even in mediocre movies like The Conjuring. He was a hoot in In The Tall Grass.

by Anonymousreply 120August 9, 2020 1:40 PM

generally like him too but his lack of it factor was part of what failed in the Oklahoma revival that had starred Hugh in UK. Here it fizzled and Patrick made little impression

by Anonymousreply 121August 9, 2020 1:49 PM

R120 He was even believable being attracted to Lens. That’s talent.

by Anonymousreply 122August 9, 2020 1:50 PM

Fun Fact: Patrick Wilson and Scott Foley are married to sisters. Those girls did well.

by Anonymousreply 123August 9, 2020 2:05 PM

Forgot to add, I can imagine his career going differently if he'd had different breaks. William Hurt and Kevin Costner are a bit bland but they were very big deals for a while. Though Costner's sex appeal was more overt.

by Anonymousreply 124August 9, 2020 2:07 PM

[quote]I wonder why [R43] said Wilson’s a Christian.

Because it's something that repels me, R107. This thread seems to be all about lauding Patrick Wilson, and it explains why he doesn't do anything for me.

[quote]Did you mean to post a different article where he actually says he’s a Christian, [R43]?

No. The article I posted actually explains 𝑤ℎ𝑦 he's a Christian, and it's for a really stupid reason. Look, if it happened to be because he was raised in a Christian milieu and accepted that acculturation, I could understand that. But to gravitate to Christianity because he was impressed with Ed and Lorraine Warren's occult bullshit (to which he was exposed because of a film he starred in) simply floors me. It would be like somebody deciding to become a Christian because they'd seen 'The Exorcist' (1973). It adds a layer of toxicity to the belief that most of it doesn't otherwise usually exhibit.

I concur with R103 - there's definitely something 𝑤𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔 with Patrick Wilson.

by Anonymousreply 125August 9, 2020 2:07 PM

R123 - while I think Patrick Wilson is sexier of the two, Scott Foley is MUCH prettier.

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by Anonymousreply 126August 9, 2020 2:38 PM

Foley's much prettier than just about anyone you'd care to compare him to. I wonder if that's why Jennifer Garner and he divorced?

I have to admit, choosing a religion based on its practice by hucksters Ed and Lorraine Warren does not say great things about one's spiritual profundity.

by Anonymousreply 127August 9, 2020 2:48 PM

He’s fine looking but he just lacks charisma and stage presence. It just seems like he’s always outshined by the other male performances in anything he’s in. That being said he has drummed up a decent career for himself; obviously that’s hard to do in show biz, even for people much better looking and more charismatic than him so I guess he deserves a kudos for that.

by Anonymousreply 128August 9, 2020 3:21 PM

I think he and Aaron Eckhart should do a movie where they play a gay couple who fuck all the time.

by Anonymousreply 129August 9, 2020 3:33 PM

I bet hes one of those guys who are meh on film but sizzle when you are in their presence. A friend of mine was like that,looked crappy in pictures but was hot as hell in person . Sometimes that certain something just doesnt translate well.

by Anonymousreply 130August 9, 2020 3:55 PM

I don't find him "meh," and I'm no great lover of blonds. He's sex on a dick IMO—a rather substantial dick if the rumors are to be believed.

by Anonymousreply 131August 9, 2020 4:08 PM

I think he’s tainted by the association of doing Broadway musicals. People assume he’s gay.

by Anonymousreply 132August 9, 2020 4:14 PM

he’s also tainted by doing a love scene with Lens Dunham

by Anonymousreply 133August 9, 2020 4:14 PM

He was exceptional in Hard Candy with Ellen Page. He does suspense very well. The only other thing I've seen him in is Little Children. He just doesn't have what it takes to carry a film, sort of like Alexander Skarsgard. They're both beautiful but maybe they don't care about or need to be a star.

by Anonymousreply 134August 9, 2020 4:16 PM

r125, okay that is pure PR there, like when they had to get a priest to bless the sets of all Conjuring Universe films, to prevent demonic shenanigans.

by Anonymousreply 135August 9, 2020 5:25 PM

Everything Lens Dunham Touches Dies.

by Anonymousreply 136August 9, 2020 7:49 PM

My cousin worked on some of the conjuring stuff. He was a really nice guy. Signed a autograph for me. He works a lot. I don't think he's hurting for roles at all. Not everyone wants to be Brad Pitt. It's a job,not their life. Seems like he has a good family too. Doesn't need to be around the Hollywood drunks and druggies.

by Anonymousreply 138August 9, 2020 8:00 PM

Thanks for bring up Scott Foley. He is so hot. I saw him in a restaurant and he looks even better in person, like Timothy Olyphant.

But I never think about Foley or Patrick Wilson unless they’re on screen. Their wives are very attractive too.

by Anonymousreply 139August 9, 2020 8:12 PM

JK is rodent-looking but he oozes raunchiness.

by Anonymousreply 140August 9, 2020 8:16 PM

r138, I must know your cousin... I would surmise in L.A. (not ATL or NC), and either camera, makeup, or art department.

by Anonymousreply 141August 9, 2020 8:18 PM

He has an amazing singing voice. It's too bad more people don't know that and he doesn't get to show it off more. He should get roles instead of Hugh Jackman who is not that talented.

by Anonymousreply 142August 9, 2020 8:36 PM

R142 I agree. I font get the love for Hugh Jackman. The only fans of his I personally know are old ladies. HJ seems so hammy and phony.

by Anonymousreply 143August 9, 2020 9:19 PM

Hugh Jackman was so embarrassing in ' Les miz'. That's exactly my point. Jackman is fug, mannered, gay, and couldn't act/sing/dance his way out of a paper bag. Wilson would have been terrific in that movie.

by Anonymousreply 145August 9, 2020 9:30 PM

The big problem with the singing in Les Miz was Tom Hooper. I doubt good soldier Patrick would have nixed Hooper's "vision."

Wilson would have been terrific as The Baker in Into The Woods. Not that it would be hard to be better than James Corden.

by Anonymousreply 146August 9, 2020 9:53 PM

I still can't believe that James Corden has an acting career. That revolting sow. I find his mere presence in front of a camera offensive. The only time I watched his stupid show, the guest was that english boys band bloke, the one who was in the Robbie Williams band, the pretty blond hunk. Corden said to him ' back in the day you were a porker'. Seriously. I could never watch him again after that, even when he interviewed Dan Levy. What a CUNT. I don't want him in my Patrick Wilson thread. It's exactly what I' m talking about. A guy like that is EVERYWHERE. While a fine, accomplished, beautiful actor is struggling to get leading roles. That 's wrong.

by Anonymousreply 147August 9, 2020 10:04 PM

[quote] The stupidest thing I saw of him was when they inserted him singing an Elvis song in one of those horror movie sequels. Ridiculous beyond belief given the genre of the film.

I normally roll my eyes when they do that but I thought it was rather effective in this instance (The Conjuring 2). It showed how his character was emotionally connecting with the family who was falling apart, and it was just Patrick and a guitar...not some big musical number.

by Anonymousreply 148August 9, 2020 10:44 PM

r148, that was a last minute decision- it was supposed to be a peppier song. After the first take, the whole crew was tearing up.

by Anonymousreply 149August 9, 2020 11:02 PM

If he indeed does have a big dick, his sole flaw is his hairline.

by Anonymousreply 150August 9, 2020 11:13 PM

R150 I don’t mind his hairline or baldness in general (I swoon for Corey Stoll). I don’t like fake-looking hair pieces though.

by Anonymousreply 151August 10, 2020 12:13 AM

Oh, to rim that big round ass!

by Anonymousreply 153August 10, 2020 12:36 AM

R63 Call me weird, but I thought that despite his character, Shenkman was hot in "Angels". Big nose and all. So, those scenes between Wilson & Shenkman are my favorites.

by Anonymousreply 154August 10, 2020 1:07 AM

He played a pedo/serial killer lusting after baby Dyke Ellen Page in "Hard Candy"

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by Anonymousreply 155August 10, 2020 1:18 AM

Shenkman was hot in AoA, r154.

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by Anonymousreply 156August 10, 2020 1:54 AM

Justin Kirk is playing gay Hamilton Burger on the HBO "Perry Mason."

by Anonymousreply 157August 10, 2020 2:00 AM

He’s a solid B plus actor... not everyone can be on the “A” list

by Anonymousreply 159August 10, 2020 2:18 AM

(R159) have you seen what passes for A list now?

by Anonymousreply 160August 10, 2020 2:22 AM

[quote a fine, accomplished, beautiful actor is struggling to get leading roles.

r147 how do you know he's struggling? Also, you're nuts.

by Anonymousreply 161August 10, 2020 1:14 PM

R161, oh HI James, I knew you were posting here

by Anonymousreply 162August 10, 2020 1:27 PM

Some asses are hot looking, some are very cute-and some look like they're built for throwing a serious fuck. Wilson's seems like a category 3 ass.

by Anonymousreply 163August 10, 2020 2:35 PM

I'm going to use that line henceforth: "He has a category 3 ass."

by Anonymousreply 164August 10, 2020 4:02 PM

This is a warning from the National Weather Service. A Category 3 Ass is approaching California and expected to push into L.A. County tonight.

by Anonymousreply 165August 12, 2020 12:24 PM

There is something incredibly beautiful about his look - in a way, he's classically handsome, but there is a slight femininity to his features that adds a bit of sensuality.

I think he's talented but it doesn't surprise he never became a huge star. His role in LITTLE CHILDREN seemed about perfectly scaled to his skills as an actor. And those shots of his Category 3 Ass - WOW!

by Anonymousreply 166August 12, 2020 1:45 PM

I just wish we could assess for ourselves what category his dong is in.

by Anonymousreply 167August 12, 2020 1:47 PM

Patrick Wilson needs to return to Bway. He should be Hugh Jackman famous. Wilson is just as talented and good looking.

by Anonymousreply 168August 12, 2020 7:52 PM

Yasssss R168. And he needs to show ass AND cock.

by Anonymousreply 169August 12, 2020 7:54 PM

Loved the film he made with Samuel Jackson as the psycho neighbor. What is it again?

by Anonymousreply 170August 12, 2020 7:58 PM

Actually, R168, he's MORE talented and MORE good looking than Hugh Jackman.

by Anonymousreply 171August 12, 2020 8:19 PM

I enjoyed his acting in Fargo. The cop uniform was 'wholesome hot.'

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by Anonymousreply 172August 12, 2020 8:22 PM

If his career was a priority, he wouldn't be living in suburban Jersey.

by Anonymousreply 173August 12, 2020 8:25 PM

Thanks r174. I wanted to say FRUITVALE STATION.

by Anonymousreply 176August 12, 2020 11:14 PM

Oh, to have him sit on my face!

by Anonymousreply 177August 13, 2020 4:08 AM

[quote]Thanks [R174]. I wanted to say FRUITVALE STATION.

No. That was DL fave Chad Michael Murray!

by Anonymousreply 178August 13, 2020 5:17 AM

He was really good in ‘Fargo,’ actually. I could see him become a really good character actor as he ages.

by Anonymousreply 179August 16, 2020 8:27 AM

His multiple hair transplants just wouldn't take.

by Anonymousreply 180August 16, 2020 8:34 AM

[quote] The article I posted actually explains 𝑤ℎ𝑦 he's a Christian, and it's for a really stupid reason.

It really doesn’t say that. I can see which passage you’re misinterpreting, but he really isn’t saying “I have converted to Christianity.”

by Anonymousreply 181August 16, 2020 10:37 PM

I watched Aquaman yesterday and thought of this thread. Sadly, our Patrick was not given the opportunity to sing something from The Little Mermaid.

by Anonymousreply 182August 17, 2020 7:23 PM

I remember falling out laughing when I realized he was supposed to be Jason Momoa's YOUNGER half-brother in that movie. Look folks, you can apply digital smoothing to those wrinkles until he looks like a cartoon character (and [bold]did[/italic] in Willem Dafoe's case!), but Wilson being Nicole Kidman's son born years after Momoa was a toddler was a bridge too far. We were already being asked to buy advanced aquatic civilizations, kaiju-sized crabs played by Julie Andrews, and Amber Heard playing a love interest with a sweet disposition—ain't nobody able to suspend THAT MUCH disbelief!

by Anonymousreply 183August 17, 2020 9:54 PM

The de-aging made the older actors look so weird that Wilson ended up looking okay in comparison.

Kidman was so uncanny I started thinking maybe she really is a humanoid from the deep. That Innsmouth blood always tells.

by Anonymousreply 184August 17, 2020 10:41 PM

I couldn't even watch Aquaman, I lasted maybe 25 minutes. God, what a piece of shit.

by Anonymousreply 185August 17, 2020 11:11 PM

(R185) I got halfway through it. I was so bored in the theater. I actually fell asleep. It was a piece of shit. DC can't do anything right.

by Anonymousreply 186August 20, 2020 5:21 AM

Converted to Christianity? From Judaism?

by Anonymousreply 187August 20, 2020 5:34 AM

He played Layton in "Midway", probably the best performance in the film.

by Anonymousreply 188August 20, 2020 5:53 AM

He's got an amazing ass and first class tits. I love him!

by Anonymousreply 189August 20, 2020 6:02 AM

I'm watching Angels In America for the first time in many years and Jesus fuck is he gorgeous in it!

by Anonymousreply 190August 20, 2020 6:40 AM

For the first time? Good for you, but a tad late to the table.

I've seen the mini-series adaptation three times and several stage productions. But yes, Patrick is the perfect Joe.

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by Anonymousreply 191August 20, 2020 6:43 AM

For the first time in many years is what I wrote, r191. I've seen it before.

by Anonymousreply 192August 20, 2020 7:01 AM

Oops; I sit corrected. Here's some more Patrick as an apology.

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by Anonymousreply 193August 20, 2020 7:09 AM

He looks like Will Arnett's really handsome brother, but I'd rather have Arnett.

by Anonymousreply 194August 20, 2020 7:13 AM

I think he'd have a better career if he got started on screen much earlier. The hairline/face combo meant he had no hope when he made it on screen, it was too late in terms of where his looks stood.

by Anonymousreply 195August 20, 2020 2:17 PM

Didn’t he marry an heiress and isn’t he independently wealthy from real estate deals or something? Haven’t checked my source but that’s what I heard. If so, then that is probably why he hasn’t been as hungry as other actors over the years. I do agree that he’s very talented and good looking.

by Anonymousreply 196August 20, 2020 2:50 PM

His wife isn't from money.

by Anonymousreply 197August 20, 2020 2:52 PM

I love him in The conjuring series. Perfect role for him. They are really well done. Creepy and scary.

by Anonymousreply 198August 21, 2020 4:20 AM

I judge a man’s legs by the way he sits. If his thighs bulge a bit when he sits down, I’m done. Nothing sexier than the shape of a man’s thighs when he sits down.

by Anonymousreply 199August 21, 2020 6:43 PM

Forgot to add, Patrick’s legs are fine. I noticed that when he was on Letterman a few years ago when he was hot property. I thought, wow, his legs are sexy AF.

by Anonymousreply 200August 21, 2020 6:44 PM

Patrick and his brothers.

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by Anonymousreply 201August 24, 2020 3:04 AM

R201 I’d watch that porn.

by Anonymousreply 202August 24, 2020 3:07 AM

They could all raw dog me and finish in my mouth.

by Anonymousreply 204August 24, 2020 3:15 AM

Move over, Rockland Brothers!

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by Anonymousreply 205August 24, 2020 3:26 AM

OK, three gorgeous men , so who's Patrick 's father then, the milkman ? Because I don't doubt that the 2 others ARE brothers.

by Anonymousreply 206August 24, 2020 4:52 PM

You’re right, R206. The other two don’t look like they’re his brothers, although they too are good looking.

by Anonymousreply 207August 24, 2020 4:54 PM

He´s into mature and zaftig, allegedly.

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by Anonymousreply 208August 24, 2020 5:35 PM

The kids could walk right into Disney/Nickelodeon stardom.

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by Anonymousreply 209August 24, 2020 5:41 PM

Beautiful family. Was he raped by Streisand ? She's a rape excuser

by Anonymousreply 210August 24, 2020 5:55 PM

Well, if he likes big asses, Streisand may not have had to do any raping...

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by Anonymousreply 211August 24, 2020 5:59 PM

He sings like a fucking Angel. Apparently the Wilsons only produce beautiful men at every generation.

by Anonymousreply 212August 24, 2020 6:03 PM

R210 No sweetheart- i payed him.

Love Barbra

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by Anonymousreply 213August 24, 2020 6:04 PM

Barbra knows how to spell "paid," dear.

by Anonymousreply 214August 24, 2020 6:11 PM

I don't like his lack of eyebrows.

by Anonymousreply 215August 24, 2020 6:12 PM

[quote] if he likes big asses,


by Anonymousreply 216August 24, 2020 6:16 PM

The wife is certainly solidly built.

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by Anonymousreply 217August 24, 2020 6:22 PM

She has to be solid to take Patrick's FIERCE fucks and humongus dick.

by Anonymousreply 218August 24, 2020 6:43 PM

He reminds me of the character from Little Children. Popular and handsome in high school, played football. Now, he's older and somewhat past his prime. Still would have the man sex with him.

by Anonymousreply 219August 24, 2020 6:54 PM

He is a solid actor. I think because he excels at playing weak men (Angels, Lakeview Terrace, Little Children) that people confuse him with his characters.

by Anonymousreply 220August 24, 2020 7:19 PM

Last night I watched the poor but harmless movie [italic]Morning Glory[/italic] with Wilson as the romantic role. Charming and great smile but doesn't make much of an impression and is barely even shirtless. Ass looks great in jeans a few times.

by Anonymousreply 221September 12, 2020 9:06 PM

His wife was skinny and gorgeous when they met, then gained weight through the two pregnancies. She's lost weight now, but attractive instead of gorgeous.

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by Anonymousreply 222September 12, 2020 9:19 PM

I guarantee he’s messed around with a guy once or twice.

by Anonymousreply 223June 4, 2021 12:43 PM

When I came to DL a couple of decades ago, he was one of the most popular actors on this board and had lots of threads.

But after he got married and had kids, his popularity seemed to decline here.

by Anonymousreply 225June 4, 2021 1:32 PM

He was the flavor of the month

by Anonymousreply 226June 4, 2021 3:46 PM

Yeah, nothing happened to his career....It's not like he stars in The Conjuring franchise (which is an entire universe at this point and he makes an appearance in all of them) plus the three Insidious movies.

You can't count the millions someone like that makes off those lower budget movies. The profits are crazy. Plus, he still works constantly everywhere else.

by Anonymousreply 227June 4, 2021 5:22 PM

He's like Byron Allen...under the radar wealthy.

by Anonymousreply 228June 4, 2021 5:27 PM

He's gorgeous, and he has genuine singing and acting talent. He just doesn't have a lot of onscreen charisma. He's even below James Marsden in that department.

He would stuck being the Ralph Bellamy of 21st century romcoms except that he's found a decent niche in horror, where the lead actors don;t need to be more charismatic because then they would outshine the ghosts.

I wish he'd do Broadway but as we know there is no real money in Broadway.

by Anonymousreply 229June 4, 2021 5:30 PM

[quote]I don't know where or why, but I always associate him with those people who decry the commercialism of "films" in favor of "cinema" who always talk about the "art" of acting.

I don't know why you have that in mind, either, and if he did feel that way, he wouldn't have done the PHANTOM movie.

by Anonymousreply 231June 4, 2021 7:17 PM

Patrick was homely in younger days.

He's had a lot of plastic surgery done to his face.

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by Anonymousreply 232June 4, 2021 7:31 PM

Patrick Wilson continues to rake in the $$$ with The Conjuring franchise. Number 3 is now in wide release and the producers says there are "an infinite number" of sequels possible. To quote Jacquelyn Susann, "Money is applause."

by Anonymousreply 233June 4, 2021 7:32 PM

Downloaded a copy of Conjuring 3 and am watching it now. It’s a bit of a mess. Kinda all over the place.

by Anonymousreply 234June 4, 2021 7:35 PM

Maybe if they do Mare2 Winslet can bring him on as the next hot cop that she’s assigned to, but doesn’t hesitate to hook up with since she missed her chance with the other one. They reprise their laundry room scene.

by Anonymousreply 235June 4, 2021 7:39 PM

He looks like himself in R232's pic.

by Anonymousreply 236June 4, 2021 7:39 PM

One would think we would be at the level of Hugh Jackman--both a Bway careers and then went to the movies.

by Anonymousreply 237June 4, 2021 8:09 PM

Jackmanis more of a traditional leading man, who can carry an A-list film.

by Anonymousreply 238June 4, 2021 8:25 PM

Jackman would never have been a star had he not become every straight woman and gay man's wet dream as the frequently shirtless, hairy, and ripped-to-the-tits Wolverine.

When he's in that role, you can't take your eyes off of him. In almost everything else, he's like a null presence on screen.

by Anonymousreply 239June 4, 2021 8:28 PM

R225 managers should advice their actors to go mgtow. A bachelor attracts more fans than a future alimony payer.

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by Anonymousreply 240June 4, 2021 8:46 PM

Patrick Eilson is definitely hot and for some reason, I think he’s good in bed. I think he reads as bland white guy but he might pull your hair, choke you, and even give your ass a smack or two. Or maybe that’s me fantasizing.

In reality, I wouldn’t be surprised if he maybe turned down a role or two that would’ve turned him into a star. I find it hard to believe that Aquaman was the first time he’d been approached about being in a Superhero movie, since we’re coming out if that era.

by Anonymousreply 241June 4, 2021 9:01 PM

He lives in my town and seems nice. I see him and his wife at charity events and they both give back to the community.

by Anonymousreply 242June 4, 2021 9:15 PM

I always got the feeling that he wanted to be an actor more than a star.

by Anonymousreply 244June 4, 2021 9:20 PM

Yea he seems like a decent guy and is very sexy. He has the suburban dad with kids look. His butt was so hot in that movie he was ok with Sam L Jackson and Kerry Washington. I wish they would have showed them having sex him and Kerry lol

by Anonymousreply 245June 5, 2021 12:11 AM

The Conjuring 4: Patrick Wilson Conjures A Load In My Mouth and Ass

by Anonymousreply 246June 5, 2021 1:15 AM

Zero charisma. Like a modern day George Peppard.

by Anonymousreply 247June 5, 2021 2:19 AM

R247, he does have charisma in the video recording of him singing "Almost Like Being in Love" on youtube. I fell in love with him there and then.

by Anonymousreply 248June 5, 2021 12:32 PM

Pepppard had a deadness of manner that Wilson doesn't have. Peppard being a long-time alcoholic probably was part of it.

by Anonymousreply 249June 5, 2021 12:44 PM

Looks like he got all the looks in his family out of his siblings.

by Anonymousreply 250June 5, 2021 1:10 PM

His appeal reminds me of billy crudup. Cute guys but there’s something also sort of bland too. Maybe too much boy next door. They lack the excitement of someone like Michael fassbender.

by Anonymousreply 251June 5, 2021 1:12 PM

I've only seen one movie I can remember with Fassbender, r251, and the most exciting thing was his dong. I've enjoyed most things I've seen Patrick Wilson in.

by Anonymousreply 252June 5, 2021 1:22 PM

R252 I mean there’s something subversive going on with fassbender or at least he can play that way. With Wilson and crudup it all seems surface - we can see their subtext.

by Anonymousreply 253June 5, 2021 1:36 PM

[quote]With Wilson and crudup it all seems surface - we can see their subtext.

Your phrasing is so confusing, I don't understand your point. Do you mean you feel that Wilson and Crudup play all of the subtext on the surface? If so, I disagree.

by Anonymousreply 254June 5, 2021 2:30 PM

I thought he looks very Paul Newman-esque in Fargo.

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by Anonymousreply 255June 5, 2021 2:44 PM

R254 I just mean there’s not much depth beneath the surface.

by Anonymousreply 256June 5, 2021 3:09 PM

R256, thanks for the clarification. I disagree strongly, in both cases.

by Anonymousreply 257June 5, 2021 8:12 PM

Pappard was unlikable. Wilson isn't, but niether was a candidate to do Strindberg in the Park.

by Anonymousreply 258June 5, 2021 8:14 PM

love letter to Patrick in this morning's Times

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by Anonymousreply 259June 6, 2021 7:32 PM

I saw that this morning too, r259.

I thought it was terrific. He really is a fine actor, even though he's consistently overlooked.

by Anonymousreply 260June 6, 2021 8:09 PM

I'm watching "The Conjuring 3" and I'm disappointed that he and Vera Farmiga have both had their faces all smoothed out with fillers.

I feel terrible they feel the pressure to do it given that they're aging, but they both look so unnatural. They look like animated wax figures.

by Anonymousreply 261June 8, 2021 6:08 AM

I offer this clip as a rebuttal for those who insist that Patrick Wilson lacks charisma.

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by Anonymousreply 262June 8, 2021 6:34 AM

I mean, it may be that he just has the sizzle in person when he's singing or performing on Broadway and it just doesn't translate that well to the movie screen. James Marsden is hammy enough to have presence on screen, while fairly good looking, I don't find him sexy at the least (Marsden, I mean).

I agree with a poster upthread, Patrick seems like he would be an animal in bed. I find his sexiness is kind of simmering underneath at all. And I'm totally on board with a Mare2 in which he is her newest married partner and they just can't get enough of fucking each other, to the detriment of the cases piling up.

by Anonymousreply 263June 8, 2021 7:57 AM

Screen charisma has very little to do with being able to put over a song well. Screen charisma has to do with being able to photograph well and capture the camera eye. It's almost impossible to learn or teach.

There have been all kinds of stage stars who just did not make it into the big leagues for the screen, despite their acting ability and even good looks. Tallulah Bankhead is a famous example; Mary Martin is another. Raul Esparza is handsome, has a terrific voice,can act very well, and is a magnetic presence on stage, but he also has never been able to make it onscreen.

Marilyn Monroe is an example of someone for whom having that screen charisma overcame all over shortcomings,. She was often paired with good-looking co-stars who were sometimes much better actors than she was, such as Laurence Olivier or Yves Montand; and though they themselves were screen stars and had a certain degree of "it," when they're onscreen with her you can only look at her. As far as the camera was concerned, there was no one else when she was onscreen.

by Anonymousreply 264June 8, 2021 8:10 AM

R264 Same goes for Elizabeth Taylor, Monty Clift, James Dean and Marlon Brando. Those 50s icons all had a screen presence that is hard to find today.

by Anonymousreply 265June 8, 2021 2:15 PM

R264 and R265, I agree with much of what you say, but I hope you realize that, ultimately, the question of who has or doesn't have charisma on screen is HIGHLY subjective. For example, I would say that Tallulah Bankhead demonstrates tremendous screen charisma in LIFEBOAT. And P.S., Raul Esparza had a very successful, long run as a recurring, major character on LAW & ORDER.

by Anonymousreply 266June 8, 2021 6:10 PM

If he wanted to be a big star, he'd move out of the suburbs.

by Anonymousreply 267June 8, 2021 6:24 PM

He's an amazing singer. One of my all time YouTube videos is him dueting Almost Like Being In Love from Brigadoon with Kelli O'Hara.

Has anyone worked with either of them? They have superb voices.

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by Anonymousreply 269June 18, 2021 11:26 PM

I like older guys, but he's "meh" I'm afraid.

by Anonymousreply 270June 18, 2021 11:28 PM

He doesn't seem dumb enough to be a big box-office star. He's played in too many thoughtful roles, abd that's a turnoff to people who just want to see big muscles and a dumb expression run around and fire guns for 110 minutes.

by Anonymousreply 271June 18, 2021 11:33 PM

He's a classically trained actor too. Sometimes there is no reason; it's also down to a lot of luck and connections. Same is true of those who are undeservedly famous. He seems like a stable person outside of work, stable home life and lives outside of Hollywood. This may have also been a limiting factor in itself.

by Anonymousreply 272June 18, 2021 11:46 PM

Maybe he is just the opposite of most people today who want to be famous to be famous? Maybe he actually enjoys acting and primarily pursues work that interests him.

Most movies today are really terrible.

by Anonymousreply 273June 18, 2021 11:54 PM

I wonder if any DLers have worked with him?

by Anonymousreply 274June 19, 2021 12:06 AM

R269, I saw that video a couple of years ago and fell in love with him. He is so engaging, talented, and sexy singing that song. He swept me off my feet.

by Anonymousreply 275June 19, 2021 1:04 AM

R232. Looks like he had hair issues 20 years ago.

And a major nose realignment.

I’d still fuck his ass.

by Anonymousreply 276June 19, 2021 2:27 AM

I just wonder why, given the great voice he has, that he isn't more widely known around the world?

by Anonymousreply 277June 19, 2021 8:29 AM

He’s so beautiful. He has a nice cameo on the first season of The Other Two. I honestly can’t think of a hotter male performance than his in Little Children.

But as someone said upthread, I don’t really think about him until I happen to see him in something.

by Anonymousreply 278June 19, 2021 12:44 PM

[quote] I don’t really think about him until I happen to see him in something.

That's because he doesn't do superhero movies, cavort with Miley Cyrus or Taylor Swift, isn't posing half naked in People or on the cover of Men's Health. He seems to be more of an actor than a fame whore. Fame whores are on our minds more because they're being shoved in our faces all the time.

by Anonymousreply 279June 19, 2021 12:59 PM

[quote]I just wonder why, given the great voice he has, that he isn't more widely known around the world?

Maybe partly because the type of singing at which he excels is not very popular these days.

[quote]But as someone said upthread, I don’t really think about him until I happen to see him in something.

Maybe partly because he doesn't have a very distinctive or outlandish look or personality like so many famous performers. He's just a very talented person who comes across as a really good-looking nice guy.

by Anonymousreply 280June 19, 2021 3:44 PM

R280 How would you categorise his type of singing?

by Anonymousreply 281June 19, 2021 4:55 PM

[quote] That's because he doesn't do superhero movies


by Anonymousreply 282June 19, 2021 6:40 PM

R281, Patrick Wilson's type of singing is the type of singing that he does. The kind of music he sings is far from the most popular type of music in America today.

by Anonymousreply 283June 19, 2021 8:09 PM

He's got a surprisingly good voice. I had no idea...

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by Anonymousreply 284June 27, 2021 8:40 AM

isn't he in the horror flicks? Conjuring?

by Anonymousreply 285June 27, 2021 9:05 AM

Because not everyone can be a big star. He’s also too old now to become one, too basic and too normal for Hollywood.

by Anonymousreply 288July 4, 2021 12:24 PM

R287 thanks, best thing that happened to day. That explain his glorious glutes. Nice bony feets too

by Anonymousreply 289July 4, 2021 1:13 PM

Because God is occasionally merciful. A lot of annoying actors blow up and then we have to see them all the time in stuff. Thank god that never happened with this guy. I wish someone would release a version of Watchmen where we don't have to see his pussy take on the character or his disgusting sexual encounters.

by Anonymousreply 290July 4, 2021 2:39 PM

I just started Season 2 of “Fargo”. That man is perfection! The face. The ass. The gait. The confidence…. He deserves to be a superstar but maybe that would spoil him. Heck, I would PAY to see that man. And I am sure he is hung.

by Anonymousreply 291February 19, 2022 10:51 PM

[quote] Why isn't Patrick Wilson a bigger star, America ?

He looks epicene.

His nose is almost as long as Julie Andrews'.

by Anonymousreply 292February 19, 2022 10:57 PM

His eyes are too squinty.

by Anonymousreply 293February 19, 2022 11:00 PM

He's great--both handsome and a decent and intelligent actor. He's found a fine niche for himself in horror films and gets his pick of roles in them. What more does he need?

by Anonymousreply 294February 19, 2022 11:03 PM

He looks like he belongs in a boring June Allyson movie.

He looks as dangerous as the late Carleton Carpenter.

by Anonymousreply 295February 19, 2022 11:04 PM

Few men look great in a 70’s Minnesota State Trooper uniform. He does. I love those squinty eyes in a man.

by Anonymousreply 296February 19, 2022 11:05 PM

He looks like a used car salesman

by Anonymousreply 297February 19, 2022 11:08 PM

Learned a new word, R279. Epicene. Are you an actor? I have never heard this word in 25 years in US academia.

by Anonymousreply 298February 20, 2022 12:49 PM
