Heartwarming moment as JFK Jr. as a toddler salutes his fathers coffin (video)

April 2024 · 2 minute read

John F. Kennedy Jr. won the hearts of American people with a passionate salute delivered before the casket of his father following his assassination in 1999.

When JFK lost his life at just 38 years of age, the entire nation mourned and paid the president a tribute. However, none of them proved to be as heartrending as the one that came from his own young son.

In a video shared on YouTube by CNN, a former Secret Service agent, Clint Hill, opens up about the famous salute that moved the nation.

Speaking to Piers Morgan, Hill explained that JFK Jr.’s famous salute was practicing months before the president’s funeral procession. So, the young boy perfectly executing the salute was no accident.

Source: YouTube/CNN

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Hill, who was assigned to the then First Lady Jackie Kennedy told that the young boy was being prepared for a visit to the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery alongside his father and Jackie wanted his son to learn and perform the salute alongside other military members.

Source: YouTube/CNN

The former agent also stated that JFK Jr. was struggling with the salute initially and he even wanted to use his left hand. However, on the day of the visit, he managed to perfect his salute. Later, he was again found struggling to do it properly.

Source: YouTube/CNN

On the day of JFK’s funeral, the young boy was working on the salute once again. A Marine Colonel then saw the scene and decided to correct the boy’s form.

It took the soldier about eight seconds to teach the boy the proper way to salute, Hill explained. So, when he performed it before his father’s coffin on that sad day, it turned out to be a perfect farewell for his father.

Previously, Hill also detailed the events of that tragic day when JFK was finally laid to rest. In an article published on Extra News Feed, the former special agent to Jackie recounted how the sad day was announced a national day of mourning and other protocols followed by the procession that carried JFK’s body.

JFK’s tragic assassination occurred back on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas while riding in a presidential motorcade.

Source: Getty Images

His controversial murder went under heavy investigation with several names popping up as potential killers.

Amid all the theories, JFK’s former wife, Jackie, surprisingly blamed Lyndon Johnson, the Vice President of the U.S.A. during JFK’s assassination, as the ‘intellectual killer’ of her ex-husband.
