Who is Vinnie Hacker Dating Now? Past Relationships, Current Relationship Status, and Rumors

April 2024 · 3 minute read
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Vinnie Hacker is a popular social media personality who gained fame through TikTok and YouTube. With over 9 million followers on TikTok and 2 million subscribers on YouTube, he is one of the most followed social media personalities. Vinnie has also been a part of many controversies, including his relationship status. In this article, we will discuss who Vinnie Hacker is dating now, his past relationships, current relationship status, rumors, and breakup facts.

Relationship Wiki Table:

NameRelationship TypeDuration
Cynthia ParkerEx-girlfriend2020-2021
Avani GreggRumored girlfriend2021-Present
Gabby MorrisonRumored girlfriend2021-Present

Past Relationships:

Vinnie Hacker’s most notable relationship was with Cynthia Parker, who is also a TikTok star. They started dating in 2020 and were a popular couple on social media. However, their relationship ended in early 2021, and both of them moved on.

Current Relationship Status:

Currently, Vinnie Hacker is not in a confirmed relationship. However, there are many rumors about his dating life, which we will discuss in the next section.


After his breakup with Cynthia Parker, Vinnie Hacker has been linked with many social media personalities. One of the most prominent rumors is about him dating Avani Gregg, who is also a TikTok star. They have been seen together multiple times, and fans have speculated that they are dating. However, neither Vinnie nor Avani has confirmed their relationship.

Another rumor is about Vinnie dating Gabby Morrison, who is also a social media personality. They have been seen together on several occasions, and fans have been speculating about their relationship. However, neither of them has confirmed anything.

Breakup Facts:

Vinnie Hacker and Cynthia Parker ended their relationship in early 202The reason for their breakup is unknown, and both of them have moved on since then.



Vinnie Hacker is a popular social media personality who has gained fame through TikTok and YouTube. He has been linked with many social media personalities after his breakup with Cynthia Parker, but his current relationship status is unknown. We hope that this article provided you with insights into Vinnie Hacker’s dating life, past relationships, current relationship status, and rumors.

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