Danish photographer posts photo of himself 'having sex' with naked woman atop Great Pyramid sparking

March 2024 · 3 minute read

A photographer from Denmark is facing severe criticism online after he posted a photograph on his website that looks like he is having sex with a woman on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Andreas Hvid also uploaded a video of himself and the unidentified woman climbing to the top of the pyramid in the night, smoking while they were on top, and then apparently taking off their clothes. Authorities in Egypt are currently investigating the incident.

Ahram Online reported that the investigation began soon after the existence of the video and the picture was reported to the Prosecutor General by the Minister of Antiquities.

Hvid wrote along with the video: "In late November 2018, a friend and I climbed the Great Pyramid of Giza (a.k.a. Pyramid of Khufu, Pyramid of Cheops). Fearing to be spotted by the many guards, I did not film the several hours of sneaking around at the Giza Plateau, which lead up to the climb."

Even though tourists are allowed into the Pyramids every day, they are forced to follow the limited paths that have been set out by the government. Climbing the structures outside of these designated spots, however, is strictly prohibited.

The fact that he and his unidentified partner climbed to the top of the structure isn't the only reason Egyptian authorities are offended. The thing that really ticked off authorities was the photo that was uploaded to his website. Hvid has described what he does on the site as "Urban Exploration, Nude Art, Travel Stuff". 

There were several on social media who immediately slammed the photographer and didn't agree with him. They viewed the recent incident on top of the Pyramid, which is considered one of the wonders of the world, as offensive and disrespectful.

One person commented: "On behalf of historians and archaeologists everywhere, I hope you both end up in jail." Another said: "In my opinion, the nude stuff is very disrespectful and ignorant." A third commented: "Shame. lack of respect for an ancient civilization. [sic]"

Yet another user said: "After thousands of years of evolution, some idiots have chosen to revert to an animal image that does not respect history or culture or those who welcomed them in their country."

Like everywhere else, there were also people on social media who praised Hvid for his actions. One user commented: "I’ll admit, as a fellow Adventurer I am jealous – not many people can say they have been to the top of the great pyramids. & your Nude Art shots are Strikingly Beautiful."

Another user said: "I’m Egyptian & I envy You XD probably I’ll live my whole life and never get a chance to climb on top of the Pyramids watching my town from above!" A third person commented: "Anyone who is offended by this video, I am still waiting for your argument on why this is so wrong."

Of all the man-made wonders in the world, the Great Pyramid of Giza is said to be the oldest. It is also the largest of the three structures that sit proudly just outside the city limit of El Giza, Egypt. Historians around the world believe that the structure was completed around 2560 BC, and took between 10 and 20 years to construct.

It is thought that the largest pyramid, the Great Pyramid, was built as a tomb for the Fourth Dynasty Egyptian Pharoah Khufu.
