Free Digital Marketing Course

April 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Top 9 Free SEO Marketing Courses in 2022

1. Free Digital Marketing Course - MECLABS Institute

If you're only going to choose one, then MECLABS Institue of Jacksonville, Florida offers our favorite digital marketing course. The free course offers a combination of 'fastclass' videos, thinking tools, quizzes, and retention exercises that all support each other, seamlessly creating a powerful learning experience. The course is further supplemented by regular live interactive sessions with marketing guru Flint McGlaughlin, who created the course based on 20 years of intense marketing research. 

2. SEO Training Course - HubSpot Academy

They offer free online courses and certifications to get up to speed with online marketing.

3. Google Digital Marketing Course - Google

They offer free virtual workshops to help you get the most out of your digital marketing.

4. SEO Training Course by Moz - Udemy

You can learn SEO tips & tricks from the free SEO training course by Moz.

5. SEO - QuickSprout

Not an official marketing course, but they've put together a compendium of free SEO resources & digital marketing guides.

7. SEO Specialization Course - Coursera

Though technically a paid course, you can audit the course for free.

8. Semrush SEO Toolkit Course - Semrush

If you want to learn how to use their proprietary marketing tools, this free SEO course is available from SEO experts in a series of free video lessons.

9. Online SEO Training - Yoast

If you don't mind them constantly plugging their own software, this is a good place to learn the basics of SEO for free.
