Teen Stabs Father 45 Times And Disposes Of Evidence Before Going To School

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Tawfik , a 52-year-old native of Dearborn, was recognized as the father killed by his 16-year-old son. The killing happened in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where the  family had relocated in order to start a convenience shop.

IN FORT WAYNE Before leaving for school, a 16-year-old kid in Indiana is suspected of killing his father at their family’s store and attempting to make it look like a robbery.

Tawfik Al-Malahi was stabbed 45 times, and Ahmed Al-Malahi, a teenager, was charged with murder in connection with the incident.

Ahmed told police that he left for school at around 8 a.m. on the day that his father was murdered.

But when the police eventually looked up the teen’s attendance at Northrop High School, they discovered that he didn’t get there until about 11:40 a.m.

According to 21Alive, surveillance video also shows the teenager riding a bike in front of an elementary school at around 11 a.m. and tossing a trash bag into a dumpster.

When the bag was recovered by the investigators, they discovered two knives, some clothing, plastic gloves, and an empty bleach bottle inside. On “a metal item” that was discovered in the rubbish bag, there were also fragments of flesh and hair attached.

According to court documents, the adolescent had left the store unlocked on the evening of February 6 “so that he could come inside to do this to his father the next day.” He

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